
A good reading experience

I just skimmed an interesting blog (yes, skimmed, I hate reading freakin' long blog posts as it wastes too much of my time). After digesting this for a little while, I asked myself, why do I write? Who is my audience?

I'll digress a little and relate this to movies that I like watching. I LOVE, love, love action packed movies that take me along for a fun ride. I will not watch chick flicks, angsty protagonists, historical epics (except LOTR), or anything along those lines. I don't want to cry or feel like I learned something. I want to escape reality and have a good time along the way.

I write the same vein: to escape reality. I want to tell a story that is fun, action packed and full of surprises that takes me to a place I've never been before. I will never be a literary author and don't want to be, except they seem to command more of an advance that genre authors--bummer. And they tend to be picked by Oprah and book clubs to explore their 'deeper meaning'.

But give me a fun read any day of the week.
What do you like to read or write?


  1. Cool topic, Magolla. I like movies/books that entertain me and give me a good time too. Why would I want to feel bad on purpose? :)

  2. I love action movies. I don't do angsty drama, and I avoid chick flicks. I want to escape and have a good time. My books are the same way. I write books that I hope are action packed without too much of a message.


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